dejar de usar tabaco

  • Stop Smoking Quit Program

    The program provides culturally and linguistically appropriate information on the dangers of using tobacco products, nicotine addiction, and tobacco quit programs and therapies (medications and behavioral counseling) offered throughout the county. The program promotes the free Maryland Tobacco Quitline (1-800-784-8669). This program is funded in part by the Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund Program. Phone: 240-777-1222

    Tobacco Control Program

    This program consists of smoking quitting classes, patches, and gum to assist persons to quit smoking, and counseling sessions free of charge to Prince George’s County residents. Phone: 301-333-4802

    Freedom from Smoking Quit Programs

    Freedom From Smoking®, the leading adult smoking quit program for over 30 years, shows you how to quit in a safe, supportive environment. You'll be given the tools and resources to overcome your tobacco addiction so you can enjoy the benefits of better health, extra money in your pocket, and healthier relationships. Email: or

    Tobacco Control Program

    This program consists of smoking cessation classes, patches, and gum to assist persons to quit smoking, and counseling sessions free of charge to Prince George’sCounty residents. Phone: 301-333-4802

  • Llama 1-800-QUITNOW

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